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Newport Collection

The Newport collection draws inspiration from the relaxed yet sophisticated lifestyle of the coast. Traditional designs suggest an air of familiarity, but the styling is fresh and fashionable. The collection offers two complementary light wood finishes, Sandstone and Sailcloth, as well as three shades of woven raffia and two chic painted finishes. Barclay’s signature styling features a rich, sophisticated layering of pattern, color and texture, setting the tone for his unique interpretation of new traditional design. Soft linens and cottons in Barclay’s iconic blue and white, celadon and ivory, and soft shades of taupe and gray convey a relaxed aesthetic, reflecting the casual elegance of coastal living.

Shorecliff Canopy Bed
Crystal Cove Upholstered Panel Bed
Crystal Cove Upholstered Panel Bed
La Jolla Woven Round Mirror
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La Costa Rectangular Raffia Mirror
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Garnet Breakfront Dresser
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Goldenrod Chest
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Cliff Nightstand
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Clay Night Table
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Collins Bachelors Chest
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Ruby Bed Bench
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Ruby Red Bed Bench
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Bayside Buffet
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Huntington Metal Server
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Seaside Sideboard
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Magnolia Round Dining Table
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Oceanfront Rectangular Dining Table
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Eastbluff Upholstered Side Chair
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Eastbluff Upholstered Arm Chair
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Eastbluff Upholstered Arm Chair
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Seacliff Upholstered Host Wing Chair
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Eastbluff Upholstered Counter Stool
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Eastbluff Upholstered Bar Stool
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Eastbluff Upholstered Bar Stool
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Corona Del Mar Center Table
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Corona Del Mar Center Table
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Yacht Club Martini Table
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Breakwater Metal And Stone Cocktail Table
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Harbor Raffia Cocktail Table
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Breakwater Accent Table
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